1 LP Matlab code Homogeneous and self-dual method 2006-05-18
% LP Solver: sphslfbf.m
% See user guide at the end of this file.
if exist('toler') ~= 1
toler = 1.e-6;
if exist('beta') ~= 1
beta = .995;
if exist('bindx') ~= 1
bindx = [];
if exist('findx') ~= 1
findx = [];
[nb,x] = size(bindx);
[nf,x] = size(findx);
norbc = 1+max([c;b])-min([c;b]);
c = c/norbc;
b = b/norbc;
if nb > .5
if nf > .5,
A = [A -A(:,findx)];
c = [c ; - c(findx)];
[m,n] = size(A);
[i,j,v] = find(A);
ee = ones(n,1);
% Initialization
% b = b/(norm(b)+1);
% c = c/(norm(c)+1);
x = ((norm(b)+1)/sqrt(n))*ones(n,1);
s = ((norm(c)+1)/sqrt(n))*ones(n,1);
if nb > 0.5,
z = ((norm(b)+1)/sqrt(n))*ones(nb,1);
w = ((norm(c)+1)/sqrt(n))*ones(nb,1);
eez = ones(nb,1);
z = 1;
w = 0;
eez = 0;
rb = 0;
u = 0;
y = zeros(m,1);
tau0 = 1;
kappa0= (norm(c)+1)*(norm(b)+1)/n;
% tau0 = (norm(b)+1)/sqrt(n);
% kappa0= (norm(c)+1)/sqrt(n);
tau = tau0;
kappa = kappa0;
% Compute residuals
mu0 = (x'*s+z'*w+tau*kappa)/(n+nb+1);;
mu = mu0;
rp = tau*b - A*x;
if nb > 0.5,
rb = x(bindx) + z - tau*u;
rd = tau*c - A'*y -s;
rd(bindx) = rd(bindx) + w;
obp = c'*x;
obd = b'*y-u'*w;
rg = obp - obd + kappa;
zh = (obp-obd)/tau;
% Iteration
go = 1;
while go >= toler,
% [x,y,s,tau,kappa]=sphslfsubb(A,b,c,x,y,s,tau,kappa,mu,rp,rd,rg,beta,gamma);
% Compute new residuals
% tau/kappa
mu = (x'*s+z'*w+tau*kappa)/(n+nb+1),
rp = tau*b - A*x;
if nb > 0.5,
rb = x(bindx) + z - tau*u;
rd = tau*c - A'*y -s;
rd(bindx) = rd(bindx) + w;
obp = c'*x;
obd = b'*y-u'*w;
rg = obp - obd + kappa;
% pause
go = max([norm([rp;rb])/(tau+norm([x;z])); norm(rd)/(tau+norm([s;w]))]);
go = max([go; abs(obp-obd)/(tau+abs(obd))]);
% Check infeasibility
if (tau*kappa0/(tau0*kappa) < toler) & (mu/mu0 < toler/n),
if (obp < 0) & (obd > 0),
disp('Both primal and dual are infeasible.'); go=-1;
if obp < 0,
disp('Dual is infeasible.') ; go=-1;
if obd > 0,
disp('Primal is infeasible.'); go=-1;
zh = [zh (obp-obd)/tau];
% Adjust centering weight
gamma = 1/sqrt(n+nb+1);
if nb > 0.5,
if min([x.*s;z.*w;tau*kappa])/mu >= (1-beta),
gamma = 0;
if min([x.*s;tau*kappa])/mu >= (1-beta),
gamma = 0;
iter = iter + 1;
% Make an output
% b = b/(1-norm(b));
% c = c/(1-norm(c));
s(bindx) = s(bindx) - w;
if go >= 0,
x = norbc*x/tau;
z = norbc*z/tau;
s = norbc*s/tau;
y = norbc*y/tau;
w = norbc*w/tau;
if nf > .5,
n = n - nf;
x(findx) = x(findx) - x(n+1:n+nf);
x = x(1:n);
s = s(1:n);
A = A(:,1:n);
c = c(1:n);
c = c*norbc;
b = b*norbc;
if nb > .5
clear norbc ee eez rp rb rd rg i j v
% This program solves linear program:
% minimize c'*x
% subject to A*x=b,
% x_f free, x_p >= 0, u >= x_b >= 0.
% Input
% A: sparse constraint matrix
% b: constraint right-hand column vector
% c: objective column vector
% Optional Input
% u: upp bound vector for a set of nonnegative variable x_b, whose
% indices are represented by bindx.
% bindx: the index set for those upp-bounded nonnegative variables
% Default value: []
% findx: the index set for free variables x_f
% Default value: []
% toler: stopping tolerance, the objective value close to the
% optimal one in the range of the tolerance.
% Default value: 1.0e-6
% beta : step size, 0 < beta < 1.
% Default value: .995
% Output
% x : optimal solution
% y : optimal dual solution (shadow price) for equality constraints
% w : optimal dual solution for uppbound constraints
% s : optimal dual slack solution
% zh : (infeasible) primal-dual gap history vs iteration.
% Subroutine called : sphslfsubf
% How to use it? Just type "sphslfbf" and hit the "return".
% This program is the MATLAB implementation of the homogeneous and
% selfdual interior-point algorithm for LP. The result is a
% strict complementarity solution, i.e., a solution in the relative
% interior of the LP optimal face.
% Technical References
% Y. Ye, M. J. Todd and S. Mizuno, "An $O(\sqrt{n}L)$-iteration
% homogeneous and self-dual linear programming algorithm," (1992),
% to appear in Math. of OR.
% X. Xu, P. Hung and Y. Ye, "A simplified homogeneous and self-dual
% linear programming algorithm and its implementation," manuscript,
% Department of Management Sciences, The University of Iowa
% (Iowa City, IA 52242, 1993).
% Changes from basic version:
% 1) Adaptively adjust gamma by checking min(x.*s)/mu. If it is
% bounded from below by constant (1-beta)/10, then gamma=0.
% 2) Set eta = 1 to speed up feasibility improvement.
% 3) Sparse version.
% 4) Handle up bounds x_i <= u_i, for i in bindx.
% 5) Handle free variables x_i for i in findx.
% 6) cleaned on 11/16/93
% sphslfsubf.m
% find the optimal solution
cvx = ((gamma*mu)*ee)./x - s;
cvz = ((gamma*mu)*eez)./z - w;
woz = w./z;
r1 = cvx -rd;
r1(bindx) = r1(bindx) - cvz - rb.*woz;
r2 = c;
r22 = c;
r2(bindx) = r2(bindx) - u.*woz;
r22(bindx) = r22(bindx) + u.*woz;
d = s./x;
d(bindx) = d(bindx)+woz;
d = sqrt(d);
AD = sparse(i,j,v./d(j), m, n);
% Find a scaling parameter
%alpha = (max([abs(max(vd));abs(min(vd))]))/1000;
r1 = [ r1./d ; rp];
r2 = [ -r2./d ; b];
r22 = [-r22./d ; b];
ss=[speye(n) AD'; AD sparse(m,m)]\[r1 r2];
clear r1 r2 AD
% get dtau
dtau = (gamma*mu/tau - kappa + rg + u'*cvz + u'*(woz.*rb) - r22'*ss(:,1));
dtau = dtau/(kappa/tau+u'*(woz.*u)+ r22'*ss(:,2));
clear r22
ss = ss(:,1)+dtau*ss(:,2);
% get dx
dx = ss(1:n)./d;
clear d
dy = ss(n+1:n+m);
clear ss
% get ds
ds = cvx - (s.*dx)./x;
clear cvx
% get dz and dw if bounds exist
if nb > 0.5,
dz = dtau*u - dx(bindx) - rb;
dw = cvz - woz.*dz;
clear cvz woz
% get dkappa
dkappa= gamma*mu/tau - kappa - kappa*dtau/tau;
if nb > 0.5;
ratp = beta/abs(min([dx./x;dz./z;dtau/tau;dkappa/kappa]));
ratd = beta/abs(min([ds./s;dw./w;dtau/tau;dkappa/kappa]));
ratp = beta/abs(min([dx./x;dtau/tau;dkappa/kappa]));
ratd = beta/abs(min([ds./s;dtau/tau;dkappa/kappa]));
x = x + ratp*dx;
y = y + ratd*dy;
s = s + ratd*ds;
clear dx dy ds
if nb > 0.5,
z = z + ratp*dz;
w = w + ratd*dw;
clear dz dw
taup = tau + ratp*dtau;
taud = tau + ratd*dtau;
tau = min([taup; taud]);
if taup <= taud,
kappa = kappa + ratp*dkappa;
y = (tau/taud)*y;
s = (tau/taud)*s;
if nb > 0.5, w = (tau/taud)*w; end;
kappa = kappa + ratd*dkappa;
x = (tau/taup)*x;
if nb > 0.5, z = (tau/taud)*z; end;