$title Simple MINLP Problem (Problem No.1 from Marco Duran PhD Thesis)
* -------------------------------------------------------------------
* A Lagrangean Decomposition Approach for Solving MINLPs
* Written by Antonio Flores T.
* 9 March, 2006
* -------------------------------------------------------------------
Variables profit,x1,x2,x6,z1,z2,z6,lambda1_dummy,lambda2_dummy,lambda6_dummy ;
Variables profit_z1, profit_z2,zlow;
Binary variables y1,y2,y3 ;
Equations obj,r1,r2,r3,r4,r5,r6 ;
Equations objz1,objz2;
Equations objlower,r7,r8,r9,r10,r11,r12;
Scalar alpha /1/;
parameter zupper,zlower,niters,maxniters;
parameters lambda1,lambda2,lambda6;
parameters diff1,diff2,diff6,errnorm;
parameters y1fixed, y2fixed, y3fixed;
parameters tk,lambda1_old,lambda2_old,lambda6_old;
zupper = inf;
zlower = -inf;
niters = 0;
maxniters = 5;
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Form the Reformulated Problem (RP) from which a relaxed MINLP solution is computed
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
obj .. profit =e= -(5*y1+6*y2+8*y3+10*x1-7*x6-18*log(1+x2)-19.2*log(1+x1-x2)+10
+lambda1_dummy*(z1-x1)+lambda2_dummy*(z2-x2)+lambda6_dummy*(z6-x6)) ;
r1.. 0.8*log(1+x2)+0.96*log(1+x1-x2)-0.8*x6 =g= 0 ;
r2.. z2-z1 =l= 0 ;
r3.. x2-2*y1 =l= 0 ;
r4.. x1-x2-2*y2 =l= 0 ;
r5.. log(1+z2)+1.2*log(1+z1-z2)-z6-2*y3 =g= -2 ;
r6.. y1+y2 =l= 1;
x1.lo = 0 ; x2.lo = 0 ; x6.lo = 0 ;
z1.lo = 0 ; z2.lo = 0 ; z6.lo = 0 ;
lambda1_dummy.lo = 0; lambda1_dummy.up = 5;
lambda2_dummy.lo = 0; lambda2_dummy.up = 5;
lambda6_dummy.lo = 0; lambda6_dummy.up = 5;
model RP /obj,r1,r2,r3,r4,r5,r6 / ;
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* Form the two indepedent MINLPs into which the RP has been decomposed
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
objz1.. profit_z1 =e= -(5*y1+6*y2+10*x1-7*x6-18*log(1+x2)-19.2*log(1+x1-x2)+10
-lambda1*x1-lambda2*x2-lambda6*x6) ;
model LRP_1 /objz1,r1,r3,r4,r6/ ;
objz2.. profit_z2 =e= -(8*y3+lambda1*z1+lambda2*z2+lambda6*z6);
model LRP_2 /objz2,r2,r5/ ;
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* By fixing the binary variables into the RP problem, compute a lower bound
* on the optimal value of the original objective function solving a NLP
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
objlower .. zlow =e= -(5*y1fixed+6*y2fixed+8*y3fixed+10*x1-7*x6-18*log(1+x2)
r7.. x2 - 2*y1fixed =l= 0 ;
r8.. x1-x2-2*y2fixed =l= 0 ;
r9.. log(1+z2)+1.2*log(1+z1-z2)-z6-2*y3fixed =g= -2 ;
r10.. x1-z1 =e= 0 ;
r11.. x2-z2 =e= 0 ;
r12.. x6-z6 =e= 0 ;
model LRP_LB /objlower,r1,r2,r7,r8,r9,r10,r11,r12/ ;
* ---------------------------------------------------------------
* Beginning of the iterative Lagrangean Decomposition procedure
* ---------------------------------------------------------------
solve RP maximizing profit using rminlp ;
lambda1 = lambda1_dummy.L ;
lambda2 = lambda2_dummy.L ;
lambda6 = lambda6_dummy.L ;
while ( (zlower lt zupper),
niters = niters+1;
* Compute an optimal value upper bound
solve LRP_1 maximizing profit_z1 using minlp ;
solve LRP_2 maximizing profit_z2 using minlp ;
errnorm = sqr(z1.L-x1.L)+sqr(z2.L-x2.L)+sqr(z6.L-x6.L) ;
diff1 = z1.L-x1.L ;
diff2 = z2.L-x2.L ;
diff6 = z6.L-x6.L ;
* Fixing binary variable to get an optimal value lower bound
y1fixed = y1.L ;
y2fixed = y2.L ;
y3fixed = y3.L ;
solve LRP_LB maximizing zlow using nlp ;
* --------------------------------------------------------
* Update Lagrange multipliers by a simple rule
* --------------------------------------------------------
lambda1_old = lambda1;
lambda2_old = lambda2;
lambda6_old = lambda6;
zupper = profit_z1.L+profit_z2.L ;
zlower = zlow.L ;
tk = alpha*(zupper-zlower)/errnorm ;
lambda1 = lambda1_old+tk*diff1;
lambda2 = lambda2_old+tk*diff2;
lambda6 = lambda6_old+tk*diff6;
display lambda1,lambda2,lambda6,tk,zlower,zupper;
*-- End of the ejemplo-1-relaxation.gms file --
* -------------------------------------------------------------------
* A Lagrangean Decomposition Approach for Solving MINLPs
* Written by Antonio Flores T.
* 9 March, 2006
* -------------------------------------------------------------------
Variables profit,x1,x2,x6,z1,z2,z6,lambda1_dummy,lambda2_dummy,lambda6_dummy ;
Variables profit_z1, profit_z2,zlow;
Binary variables y1,y2,y3 ;
Equations obj,r1,r2,r3,r4,r5,r6 ;
Equations objz1,objz2;
Equations objlower,r7,r8,r9,r10,r11,r12;
Scalar alpha /1/;
parameter zupper,zlower,niters,maxniters;
parameters lambda1,lambda2,lambda6;
parameters diff1,diff2,diff6,errnorm;
parameters y1fixed, y2fixed, y3fixed;
parameters tk,lambda1_old,lambda2_old,lambda6_old;
zupper = inf;
zlower = -inf;
niters = 0;
maxniters = 5;
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Form the Reformulated Problem (RP) from which a relaxed MINLP solution is computed
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
obj .. profit =e= -(5*y1+6*y2+8*y3+10*x1-7*x6-18*log(1+x2)-19.2*log(1+x1-x2)+10
+lambda1_dummy*(z1-x1)+lambda2_dummy*(z2-x2)+lambda6_dummy*(z6-x6)) ;
r1.. 0.8*log(1+x2)+0.96*log(1+x1-x2)-0.8*x6 =g= 0 ;
r2.. z2-z1 =l= 0 ;
r3.. x2-2*y1 =l= 0 ;
r4.. x1-x2-2*y2 =l= 0 ;
r5.. log(1+z2)+1.2*log(1+z1-z2)-z6-2*y3 =g= -2 ;
r6.. y1+y2 =l= 1;
x1.lo = 0 ; x2.lo = 0 ; x6.lo = 0 ;
z1.lo = 0 ; z2.lo = 0 ; z6.lo = 0 ;
lambda1_dummy.lo = 0; lambda1_dummy.up = 5;
lambda2_dummy.lo = 0; lambda2_dummy.up = 5;
lambda6_dummy.lo = 0; lambda6_dummy.up = 5;
model RP /obj,r1,r2,r3,r4,r5,r6 / ;
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* Form the two indepedent MINLPs into which the RP has been decomposed
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
objz1.. profit_z1 =e= -(5*y1+6*y2+10*x1-7*x6-18*log(1+x2)-19.2*log(1+x1-x2)+10
-lambda1*x1-lambda2*x2-lambda6*x6) ;
model LRP_1 /objz1,r1,r3,r4,r6/ ;
objz2.. profit_z2 =e= -(8*y3+lambda1*z1+lambda2*z2+lambda6*z6);
model LRP_2 /objz2,r2,r5/ ;
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* By fixing the binary variables into the RP problem, compute a lower bound
* on the optimal value of the original objective function solving a NLP
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
objlower .. zlow =e= -(5*y1fixed+6*y2fixed+8*y3fixed+10*x1-7*x6-18*log(1+x2)
r7.. x2 - 2*y1fixed =l= 0 ;
r8.. x1-x2-2*y2fixed =l= 0 ;
r9.. log(1+z2)+1.2*log(1+z1-z2)-z6-2*y3fixed =g= -2 ;
r10.. x1-z1 =e= 0 ;
r11.. x2-z2 =e= 0 ;
r12.. x6-z6 =e= 0 ;
model LRP_LB /objlower,r1,r2,r7,r8,r9,r10,r11,r12/ ;
* ---------------------------------------------------------------
* Beginning of the iterative Lagrangean Decomposition procedure
* ---------------------------------------------------------------
solve RP maximizing profit using rminlp ;
lambda1 = lambda1_dummy.L ;
lambda2 = lambda2_dummy.L ;
lambda6 = lambda6_dummy.L ;
while ( (zlower lt zupper),
niters = niters+1;
* Compute an optimal value upper bound
solve LRP_1 maximizing profit_z1 using minlp ;
solve LRP_2 maximizing profit_z2 using minlp ;
errnorm = sqr(z1.L-x1.L)+sqr(z2.L-x2.L)+sqr(z6.L-x6.L) ;
diff1 = z1.L-x1.L ;
diff2 = z2.L-x2.L ;
diff6 = z6.L-x6.L ;
* Fixing binary variable to get an optimal value lower bound
y1fixed = y1.L ;
y2fixed = y2.L ;
y3fixed = y3.L ;
solve LRP_LB maximizing zlow using nlp ;
* --------------------------------------------------------
* Update Lagrange multipliers by a simple rule
* --------------------------------------------------------
lambda1_old = lambda1;
lambda2_old = lambda2;
lambda6_old = lambda6;
zupper = profit_z1.L+profit_z2.L ;
zlower = zlow.L ;
tk = alpha*(zupper-zlower)/errnorm ;
lambda1 = lambda1_old+tk*diff1;
lambda2 = lambda2_old+tk*diff2;
lambda6 = lambda6_old+tk*diff6;
display lambda1,lambda2,lambda6,tk,zlower,zupper;
*-- End of the ejemplo-1-relaxation.gms file --