bvr(rR) indicating whether reactor r is active
nB(rR,pP) number of batches of product p in reactor r
Binary Variables
nBx(rR,pP,i) dyadic represenation of nB
SOS2 Variables
lambda(rR,j) approximation of economies of scale function
nB(rR,pP) number of batches of product p in reactor r
Binary Variables
nBx(rR,pP,i) dyadic represenation of nB
SOS2 Variables
lambda(rR,j) approximation of economies of scale function
$Title Product Portfolio Optimization (KPORT,SEQ=270)
This problem computes minimal cost solutions satisfying the
demand of pre-given product portfolios. It determines the number
and size of reactors and gives a schedule of how may batches of
each product run on each reactor. There are two scenarios (s1 20
products. s2 40 products), add --scenario s2 as a GAMS
parameter to specify the second scenario.
The global optimal reactor volumes are:
data set s1
vr.fx('r1') = 132.5; vr.fx('r2') = 250;
data set s2
vr.fx('r1') = 20; vr.fx('r2') = 100; vr.fx('r3') = 250;
Two formulations are presented, a compact MINLP formulations
and a linearized MIP formulation using special ordered sets.
Problem sizes for data set s1
variables 102 548
equations 28 418
Non-zeros 190 1574
discrete variables 40 186
Kallrath, J. Exact Computation of Global Minima of a Nonconvex
Portfolio Optimization Problem. In Frontiers in Global Optimization.
Eds Floudas C A and Pardalos P M. Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Dortrecht, 2003.
$eolcom //
s scenario / s1,s2 /
rR reactors / R1*R3 /
pP products / L1*L37 /
r(rR) reactors considered in scenario
p(pP) products considered in scenario
Table RData(rR,s,*) Reactor data
R1 102.14 250 20 50
R2 176.07 250 52.5 250
R3 151.25 250
Table PData(pP,s,*) Product data
s1.Dem s1.PTime s2.Dem s2.Ptime
L1 2600 6 2600 6
L2 2300 6 2300 6
L3 1700 6 450 6
L4 530 6 1200 6
L5 530 6 560 6
L6 280 6 530 6
L7 250 6 530 6
L8 230 6 140 6
L9 160 6 110 6
L10 90 6 110 6
L11 70 6 10 6
L12 390 6 110 6
L13 250 6 90 6
L14 160 6 90 6
L15 100 6 90 6
L16 70 6 70 6
L17 50 6 50 6
L18 50 6 30 6
L19 50 6 10 6
L20 10 6
L21 10 6
L22 190 6
L23 180 6
L24 70 6
L25 70 6
L26 40 6
L27 40 6
L28 40 6
L29 30 6
L30 20 6
L31 20 6
L32 20 6
L33 10 6
L34 10 6
L35 10 6
L36 10 6
L37 10 6
VMIN(rR) volume flow of products in m^3 per week
VMAX(rR) volume flow of products in m^3 per week
DEMAND(pP) volume flow of products in m^3 per week
PRODTIME(pP) production time in hours per batch
WHRS hours in a week / 168 /
CSTI in kEuro depreciation per m^3 reactor and week / 0.97 /
CSTF in kEuro per week and reactor / 2.45 /
ESF economies of scale factor / 0.5 /;
$if not set scenario $set scenario s1
VMIN(rR) = RDATA(rR,'%scenario%','VMIN');
VMAX(rR) = RDATA(rR,'%scenario%','VMAX');
DEMAND(pP) = PDATA(pP,'%scenario%','Dem');
PRODTIME(pP) = PDATA(pP,'%scenario%','PTime');
* Determine scenario sets
r(rR) = VMAX(rR) > 0;
p(pP) = DEMAND(pP) > 0;
* definition of compact MINLP model
Variables cTotal total costs
cInvest invest cost
cFixed fix costs
f(rR,pP) utilization rate
vR(rR) reactor volume in m^3
pS(pP) surplus production
bvr(rR) indicating whether reactor r is active
nB(rR,pP) number of batches of product p in reactor r
Positive variables f,vR,pS; Integer variable nB; Binary Variables bvr;
Equations DEFcT total costs
DEFcF fix costs
DEFcI invest cost
TR(rR) production time of reactor r
SPP(pP) compute surplus production p
RVUB(rR) maximal volume of reactor r
RVLB(rR) minimal volume reactor r;
* define the total cost
DEFcT.. cTotal =e= cFixed + cInvest;
DEFcF.. cFixed =e= sum (r, CSTF*bvr(r));
DEFcI.. cInvest =e= sum (r, CSTI**ESF*vR(r)**ESF);
* limit the total production time of reactor r
TR(r).. sum(p, PRODTIME(p)*nB(r,p) ) =l= WHRS*bvr(r);
* compute the surplus production
SPP(p).. pS(p) =e= SUM(r, nB(r,p)*f(r,p)*vR(r))/DEMAND(p) - 1 ;
* lower and upper bounds on reactor volume
RVLB(r).. vR(r) =g= VMIN(r)*bvr(r);
RVUB(r).. vR(r) =l= VMAX(r)*bvr(r);
Model portfolioMINLP / DEFcT, DEFcF, DEFcI, TR, SPP, RVLB, RVUB / ;
f.lo(r,p) = 0.4; f.up(r,p) = 1; // bounds on the utilization rates
pS.lo(p) = 0; pS.up(p) = 1; // bounds on the surplus production
* bounds on the number of batches
nB.lo(r,p) = 0;
nB.up(r,p) = min(WHRS/PRODTIME(p),floor(2*DEMAND(p)/(VMIN(r)*f.lo(r,p))));
nB.up(r,p)$(2*DEMAND(p) < f.lo(r,p)*VMIN(r)) = 0;
vR.l(rR) = 99;
vR.lo(r) = VMIN(r);
solve portfolioMINLP using minlp minimizing cTotal;
* additional variables and equations to define the MIP formulation
* first we need to linearize the product terms:
Sets i dyadic represenation set / 0*10 /
j discretization points for SOS2 / 0*10 /
rpi(rR,pP,i) i required for representing np
vRj(rR,j) x part of SOS2 construct
ESFvRj(rR,j) y part of SOS2 construct
Positive Variable
pT(rR,pP) number of batches x reactor volume in m^3
pT2(rR,pP,i) same for in dyadic representation
ESFvR(rR) economies of scale for vR
Binary Variables
nBx(rR,pP,i) dyadic represenation of nB
SOS2 Variables
lambda(rR,j) approximation of economies of scale function
CNP(rR,pP) compute the nonlinear products nB(rp)*f(rp)*vR(r)
SPPx(pP) compute surplus production p
CNPl0(rR,pP) linearized version of CNP
CNPl1(rR,pP) linearized version of CNP
CNPl2(rR,pP,i) linearized version of CNP
CNPl3(rR,pP,i) linearized version of CNP
CNPl4(rR,pP,i) linearized version of CNP
DEFSOSx(rR) SOS2 x construct
DEFSOSy(rR) SOS2 y construct
DEFSOSone(rR) SOS2 sum construct
DEFcIlp linearized version of DEFcI;
* new surplus production equation
SPPx(p).. pS(p) =e= SUM(r, pT(r,p))/DEMAND(p) - 1 ;
* computes batches x volume
CNP(r,p).. pT(r,p) =e= nB(r,p)*f(r,p)* vR(r);
* Linearized version of CNP
CNPl0(r,p).. pT(r,p) =e= sum(rpi(r,p,i),2**(ord(i)-1)*pT2(rpi));
CNPl1(r,p).. nB(r,p) =e= sum(rpi(r,p,i),2**(ord(i)-1)*nBx(rpi));
CNPl2(rpi(r,p,i)).. pT2(rpi) =l= VMAX(r)*nBx(rpi);
CNPl3(rpi(r,p,i)).. pT2(rpi) =l= vR(r);
CNPl4(rpi(r,p,i)).. pT2(rpi) =g= f.lo(r,p)*(vR(r)-VMAX(r)*(1-nbx(rpi)));
* SOS2 approximation of economies of scale function
DEFSOSx(r).. vR(r) =e= sum(j, vRj(r,j)*lambda(r,j));
DEFSOSy(r).. ESFvR(r) =e= sum(j, ESFvRj(r,j)*lambda(r,j));
DEFSOSone(r).. sum(j, lambda(r,j)) =e= 1;
DEFcIlp.. cInvest =e= sum (r, CSTI**ESF*ESFvR(r));
rpi(r,p,i) = ord(i) <= ceil(log(max(1,nB.up(r,p)))/log(2)) + 1$nB.up(r,p);
vRj(r,j) = (VMAX(r)-VMIN(r))*(ord(j)-1)/(card(j)-1) + VMIN(r);
ESFvRj(r,j) = vRj(r,j)**ESF;
Model PortfolioMIP /TR, SPPx, RVLB, RVUB, DEFcF, DEFcIlp, DEFcT,
portfolioMIP.optcr = .05;
solve portfolioMIP using mip minimizing cTotal;
This problem computes minimal cost solutions satisfying the
demand of pre-given product portfolios. It determines the number
and size of reactors and gives a schedule of how may batches of
each product run on each reactor. There are two scenarios (s1 20
products. s2 40 products), add --scenario s2 as a GAMS
parameter to specify the second scenario.
The global optimal reactor volumes are:
data set s1
vr.fx('r1') = 132.5; vr.fx('r2') = 250;
data set s2
vr.fx('r1') = 20; vr.fx('r2') = 100; vr.fx('r3') = 250;
Two formulations are presented, a compact MINLP formulations
and a linearized MIP formulation using special ordered sets.
Problem sizes for data set s1
variables 102 548
equations 28 418
Non-zeros 190 1574
discrete variables 40 186
Kallrath, J. Exact Computation of Global Minima of a Nonconvex
Portfolio Optimization Problem. In Frontiers in Global Optimization.
Eds Floudas C A and Pardalos P M. Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Dortrecht, 2003.
$eolcom //
s scenario / s1,s2 /
rR reactors / R1*R3 /
pP products / L1*L37 /
r(rR) reactors considered in scenario
p(pP) products considered in scenario
Table RData(rR,s,*) Reactor data
R1 102.14 250 20 50
R2 176.07 250 52.5 250
R3 151.25 250
Table PData(pP,s,*) Product data
s1.Dem s1.PTime s2.Dem s2.Ptime
L1 2600 6 2600 6
L2 2300 6 2300 6
L3 1700 6 450 6
L4 530 6 1200 6
L5 530 6 560 6
L6 280 6 530 6
L7 250 6 530 6
L8 230 6 140 6
L9 160 6 110 6
L10 90 6 110 6
L11 70 6 10 6
L12 390 6 110 6
L13 250 6 90 6
L14 160 6 90 6
L15 100 6 90 6
L16 70 6 70 6
L17 50 6 50 6
L18 50 6 30 6
L19 50 6 10 6
L20 10 6
L21 10 6
L22 190 6
L23 180 6
L24 70 6
L25 70 6
L26 40 6
L27 40 6
L28 40 6
L29 30 6
L30 20 6
L31 20 6
L32 20 6
L33 10 6
L34 10 6
L35 10 6
L36 10 6
L37 10 6
VMIN(rR) volume flow of products in m^3 per week
VMAX(rR) volume flow of products in m^3 per week
DEMAND(pP) volume flow of products in m^3 per week
PRODTIME(pP) production time in hours per batch
WHRS hours in a week / 168 /
CSTI in kEuro depreciation per m^3 reactor and week / 0.97 /
CSTF in kEuro per week and reactor / 2.45 /
ESF economies of scale factor / 0.5 /;
$if not set scenario $set scenario s1
VMIN(rR) = RDATA(rR,'%scenario%','VMIN');
VMAX(rR) = RDATA(rR,'%scenario%','VMAX');
DEMAND(pP) = PDATA(pP,'%scenario%','Dem');
PRODTIME(pP) = PDATA(pP,'%scenario%','PTime');
* Determine scenario sets
r(rR) = VMAX(rR) > 0;
p(pP) = DEMAND(pP) > 0;
* definition of compact MINLP model
Variables cTotal total costs
cInvest invest cost
cFixed fix costs
f(rR,pP) utilization rate
vR(rR) reactor volume in m^3
pS(pP) surplus production
bvr(rR) indicating whether reactor r is active
nB(rR,pP) number of batches of product p in reactor r
Positive variables f,vR,pS; Integer variable nB; Binary Variables bvr;
Equations DEFcT total costs
DEFcF fix costs
DEFcI invest cost
TR(rR) production time of reactor r
SPP(pP) compute surplus production p
RVUB(rR) maximal volume of reactor r
RVLB(rR) minimal volume reactor r;
* define the total cost
DEFcT.. cTotal =e= cFixed + cInvest;
DEFcF.. cFixed =e= sum (r, CSTF*bvr(r));
DEFcI.. cInvest =e= sum (r, CSTI**ESF*vR(r)**ESF);
* limit the total production time of reactor r
TR(r).. sum(p, PRODTIME(p)*nB(r,p) ) =l= WHRS*bvr(r);
* compute the surplus production
SPP(p).. pS(p) =e= SUM(r, nB(r,p)*f(r,p)*vR(r))/DEMAND(p) - 1 ;
* lower and upper bounds on reactor volume
RVLB(r).. vR(r) =g= VMIN(r)*bvr(r);
RVUB(r).. vR(r) =l= VMAX(r)*bvr(r);
Model portfolioMINLP / DEFcT, DEFcF, DEFcI, TR, SPP, RVLB, RVUB / ;
f.lo(r,p) = 0.4; f.up(r,p) = 1; // bounds on the utilization rates
pS.lo(p) = 0; pS.up(p) = 1; // bounds on the surplus production
* bounds on the number of batches
nB.lo(r,p) = 0;
nB.up(r,p) = min(WHRS/PRODTIME(p),floor(2*DEMAND(p)/(VMIN(r)*f.lo(r,p))));
nB.up(r,p)$(2*DEMAND(p) < f.lo(r,p)*VMIN(r)) = 0;
vR.l(rR) = 99;
vR.lo(r) = VMIN(r);
solve portfolioMINLP using minlp minimizing cTotal;
* additional variables and equations to define the MIP formulation
* first we need to linearize the product terms:
Sets i dyadic represenation set / 0*10 /
j discretization points for SOS2 / 0*10 /
rpi(rR,pP,i) i required for representing np
vRj(rR,j) x part of SOS2 construct
ESFvRj(rR,j) y part of SOS2 construct
Positive Variable
pT(rR,pP) number of batches x reactor volume in m^3
pT2(rR,pP,i) same for in dyadic representation
ESFvR(rR) economies of scale for vR
Binary Variables
nBx(rR,pP,i) dyadic represenation of nB
SOS2 Variables
lambda(rR,j) approximation of economies of scale function
CNP(rR,pP) compute the nonlinear products nB(rp)*f(rp)*vR(r)
SPPx(pP) compute surplus production p
CNPl0(rR,pP) linearized version of CNP
CNPl1(rR,pP) linearized version of CNP
CNPl2(rR,pP,i) linearized version of CNP
CNPl3(rR,pP,i) linearized version of CNP
CNPl4(rR,pP,i) linearized version of CNP
DEFSOSx(rR) SOS2 x construct
DEFSOSy(rR) SOS2 y construct
DEFSOSone(rR) SOS2 sum construct
DEFcIlp linearized version of DEFcI;
* new surplus production equation
SPPx(p).. pS(p) =e= SUM(r, pT(r,p))/DEMAND(p) - 1 ;
* computes batches x volume
CNP(r,p).. pT(r,p) =e= nB(r,p)*f(r,p)* vR(r);
* Linearized version of CNP
CNPl0(r,p).. pT(r,p) =e= sum(rpi(r,p,i),2**(ord(i)-1)*pT2(rpi));
CNPl1(r,p).. nB(r,p) =e= sum(rpi(r,p,i),2**(ord(i)-1)*nBx(rpi));
CNPl2(rpi(r,p,i)).. pT2(rpi) =l= VMAX(r)*nBx(rpi);
CNPl3(rpi(r,p,i)).. pT2(rpi) =l= vR(r);
CNPl4(rpi(r,p,i)).. pT2(rpi) =g= f.lo(r,p)*(vR(r)-VMAX(r)*(1-nbx(rpi)));
* SOS2 approximation of economies of scale function
DEFSOSx(r).. vR(r) =e= sum(j, vRj(r,j)*lambda(r,j));
DEFSOSy(r).. ESFvR(r) =e= sum(j, ESFvRj(r,j)*lambda(r,j));
DEFSOSone(r).. sum(j, lambda(r,j)) =e= 1;
DEFcIlp.. cInvest =e= sum (r, CSTI**ESF*ESFvR(r));
rpi(r,p,i) = ord(i) <= ceil(log(max(1,nB.up(r,p)))/log(2)) + 1$nB.up(r,p);
vRj(r,j) = (VMAX(r)-VMIN(r))*(ord(j)-1)/(card(j)-1) + VMIN(r);
ESFvRj(r,j) = vRj(r,j)**ESF;
Model PortfolioMIP /TR, SPPx, RVLB, RVUB, DEFcF, DEFcIlp, DEFcT,
portfolioMIP.optcr = .05;
solve portfolioMIP using mip minimizing cTotal;
The search was stopped because the last MIP problem was infeasible. DICOPT will not be able to find a better integer solution.